General / Spymonkey GDPR compliance & data policies

Spymonkey GDPR compliance & data policies

Our Data Promise

On 25th May 2018, the laws around Data Protection are changing.Spymonkey takes Data Protection seriously. We are committed to protecting your data; letting you know how we collect, store and use your data; and helping you to understand your rights and our responsibilities.Our Data Promise to you is:1. We will be open with you about how we use your data.

We aim to make sure that you have confidence in the way we use your data, and we have updated our Privacy Policy to reflect this.
2. We will protect your personal data securely.
We have always taken steps to store data securely, but as of May 2018 we will be doing so even more robustly. We guarantee that we will only use third parties to process your data (e.g. MailChimp) when those third parties have clear and transparent data policies of their own. We will implement new systems in our office that ensure even greater protection of your data, such as by creating a password policy. And we’ll appoint someone in our team who is responsible for data protection, so that we’re accountable to you and can take appropriate action if something goes wrong. No organisation can promise to protect your data 100% due to the nature of today’s technologies; however, we promise we will take every possible step to protect your data to the best of our ability.
3. We’ll make sure that you are in control.
In order to be in control of your data, you have to know what we do with the data we collect, at the moment we collect it. We have a number of reasons why we will need to collect your personal information and sharing these with you helps you to make an informed decision about how you would like to interact with us.We promise that we’ll only use your data for purposes stated when you give it to us.As of 25th May 2018, if you’re subscribed to our newsletter then we will process your data on the basis of legitimate interest. This means that we think you have a reasonable expectation of us keeping you informed about Spymonkey’s shows, projects and educational work, and that of relevant third parties, based on your engagement with us to date. We will never share your data with any third parties without your consent. We promise we will never sell your data to any third parties.There may be some occasions when we ask for your consent to collect, store and use your data for other purposes – for example if you are completing a form on our website, completing a paper feedback form, or making a donation to us at an event then we might ask to contact you about future fundraising or to use your feedback in an evaluation report. This will always be your choice. If this occurs, we will always tell you how we intend to process your data at the point at which we collect it.
We promise to respect your privacy and data rights as an individual.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?We’d love to hear from you – please contact us on We’ll be working on getting ourselves and our systems ready for 25th May; and to keep those systems up to date thereafter.

Spymonkey Privacy Policy

Updated 22nd May 2018
Our Privacy policy

Spymonkey takes data protection seriously: we care about both the rights of individuals whose data we hold or process, and about our responsibilities as a company limited by guarantee in receipt of public funding. We are committed to taking an open, informed and honest approach to how we use data, and to protecting your personal information.
This privacy policy outlines who we are; who we think you are; how we will collect, store, use and delete your personal data; and what your rights and our responsibilities are. You can also read our Data Promise, above. This policy was last updated on 22nd May 2018.About us
We are Spymonkey, a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 04228825 and registered address GOLDSTONE VILLAS, EUROPA HOUSE, HOVE, EAST SUSSEX, BN3 3RQ United Kingdom.
About you
You are a person:
  • using Spymonkey’s website which is currently at; or
  • signing up to our mailing list online or using a paper sign-up form; or
  • currently subscribed to our mailing list; or
  • filling out a paper feedback form; or
  • who has told a venue where we perform that you are happy for them to pass information you have given them about yourself to us; or
  • attending a Spymonkey workshop or training event.


The personal data we may hold about you

The personal data we may hold about you is:
  • information you provide us in an online or paper form (for example, your name and contact details, or feedback about our work);
  • your communications with us (for example when you use the contact form on our website or write to us by email);
  • information about your purchases and your interactions with our communications that we can access through the services we use to do this – currently Mailchimp, PayPal, DropBox;
  • your usage of the Spymonkey website, for example, what you look at or access, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data, information about your computer, including – where your browser provides this – your IP address, operating system and browser type;
  • information about you that you have told a venue where we perform that you are happy for them to pass to us;


How we will use your personal data
We collect and hold your personal data in order to:
  • provide a service to you (for example by emailing you about the time and location of events) and, if you are a registered user, to help us manage your user account;
  • help demonstrate the impact and reach of our work to organisations who fund us;
  • manage our organisation and improve what we do;
  • personalise your experience of our websites;
  • communicate with you about ourselves, our work and work from others that we think you might find interesting;
  • help us sell more tickets.
Although we sometimes will tell you about work from others (for example, in the PS section of our newsletter), we won’t pass information we hold about you to them.
Spymonkey will take steps to prevent automated harvesting of email addresses, social media handles and/or website addresses from our site.We will store information you provide us in feedback forms for six years after the date at which you provide it. While no organisation can protect data 100% securely, we will store your information as securely as we can and it will be password protected. You may request that we destroy this information at any time.
We may share your personal data:
·       with analytics providers for the purposes of improving our website
·       with other organisations who help us deliver services to you
but this will always be under the same conditions as we are under.
We may share your personal data with law enforcement agencies or other organisations or individuals if we are obliged to by law or if this is required in order to enforce the terms of use of our websites or terms of business generally.
What you get in return for giving us your personal data

The value we aim to give you in return for you letting us use your personal data is:
  • to let you know about when and where our work is on, including productions and workshops, and how you can get tickets;
  • to let you know about other creative work that we think you may be interested in;
  • to tailor what we send you by better understanding what you are interested in;
  • to be part of a community that shares values around our work;

As of 25th May 2018, if you are currently subscribed to our newsletter we will continue to contact you about our productions, projects and workshops. We will process your data for these purposes on the basis of legitimate interest. This means that we think you have a reasonable expectation of hearing from us for the above purposes, based on your engagement with Spymonkey to date.
We will never share your data with any third parties without your consent. We promise we will never sell your data to any third parties.
We won’t add you to our mailing list unless you ask us to or you sign up to it online.
You have the right to unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. You can do this by following the unsubscribe link in a newsletter or by contacting us by email
Contacting us, access to your information and right of correction
You have the right to request a copy of the personal data that we hold about you. This is also known as a service access request. We may make a small charge for this service.
If you would like a copy of some or all of the personal data we hold about you – or otherwise want to contact us – please email or write to us at Spymonkey, Unit 7b Level 3 North, New England House, New England St, Brighton BN1 4GH.
We want to make sure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and up to date. You can ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.
Other websites
Our website contains links to other websites. If you follow links to other websites, you should read their privacy policies to see how they use information about you. 

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and will place any updates on this website. This privacy policy was last updated on 21st May 2018.
Things that could change in the future without us coming back to you to get your agreement or permission again include:
·       we could move our website to a different address
·       we could change the service providers we use to sell tickets or contact you by email.
If you have questions, comments or suggestions about this privacy policy or any other aspect of how we use your personal data, please feel free to contact us on please email or write to us at Spymonkey, Unit 7b Level 3 North, New England House, New England St, Brighton BN1 4GH.
Our thanks to Improbable for providing the template of this data policy.