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Dear Conservative Government

We would so love to know how to plan for 2021. No deal is going to make it impossible for us to exist, as a major part of the company is non-UK. Some have Leave To Remain, but some of us are not eligible for that, as they’ve always been

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NEW Spymonkey Online Professional Development Programme

Business workshop and project ideas MOT for theatre-makers. Hello from Spymonkey on lockdown! We are excited to be bringing you a series of workshops and online discussion groups to lift spirits, develop skills and help you to move forward with your current works-in-progress projects. We will host a series of

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Thoughts from a clown student in isolation

by Josie Cerise, Spymonkey 2020 bursary recipient ‘Naïve enough to start, stubborn enough to finish’ Ross Edgley, an extreme athlete’s mantra before starting a new physical challenge. I started my ‘clowning journey’ (how very yoga) 12 years ago, I was a naïve acting student who thought I would be really

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