Workshops / New Brassmonkey & Tall Stories Bursaries announced

New Brassmonkey & Tall Stories Bursaries announced

We are announcing a new round of bursary awards for our upcoming workshops in London and Brighton in Autumn 2021.

We are committed to supporting the development of the next generation of comedy performers. Our professional training workshops are delivered by the artistic directors and associate artists in the UK and across the world. Participants develop techniques of clowning, comedy, devising and music theatre in a way which is transferable to their own practice. We also offer practical sessions on the business of making and touring a show.
Having worked with performers and theatre makers in our shows, through our collaborations with other organisations, and our education and training work, we are aware of the lack of diversity in theatre, and within comedy performance in particular. Alongside this, the financial barrier to accessing professional development is a real obstruction for many people. We are therefore keen to play our part in addressing this, by offering bursary places to people who are underrepresented on our stages, on all of our courses.

This year we are partnering with our friends at Tall Stories to offer these bursaries, a charity that brings great stories to life for audiences of all ages. Tall Stories are internationally renowned for their unique brand of humorous physical storytelling theatre. They say:

“At Tall Stories we believe that everyone has the right to see themselves and their stories being represented on stage. We are keen to play our part in addressing the lack of diversity within physical theatre by offering the course free to two individuals from under-represented groups. Together, Spymonkey and Tall Stories are committed to diversifying the next generation of physical theatre and physical comedy performers and look forward to working together on this collaboration.”

We recognise the lack of access and options into the industry for people from racialised backgrounds and for our 2021 workshop bursary places we specifically welcome people who have faced barriers to access as a result of either systemic or interpersonal racism such as: 

  • Black people – those of African heritage, Caribbean heritage, and those who are part of the African diaspora
  • South, East, South East Asian and those who are part of the Asian diaspora
  • Mixed heritage people and other racially or ethnically marginalised people

APPLYING to the Bursary Scheme

The details for our next in person courses and the bursaries available are as follows:

  • Spymonkey Clown: London 6th-10th Sept 2021 – 2 bursary places. One place will include £100 towards travel where needed. Application deadline 10th August.
  • Spymonkey Devising: London 13th – 17th Sept 2021 – 2 bursary places. One place will include £100 towards travel where needed. Application deadline 10th August.
  • Spymonkey Music & Comedy: Brighton 25th – 29th Oct 2021 – 2 bursary places. One of the bursary places will include £100 towards travel where needed. Application deadline 17th September.

If you are interested in applying for a bursary place please download the application pack:

Donating to the Bursary Scheme

We are asking our friends and loyal followers to support us by contributing to this bursary scheme. If you would like to contribute to the bursary scheme, enabling two individuals to participate in our workshops, you can donate via PayPal here.

Or if you would prefer, contact for details of how to contribute.
